an illustrator  ❀  a graphic designer  ✿  an animator  ❀  open for requests & collaborations  ✿  
→ Jag försöker igen & igen, lino animation
Linoleum print on paper, 29x42 cm

I try again & again.

On trying and trying and trying. Lino animation.

→ Pianisten, book cover

I designed the new cover of the book Pianisten (The Pianist) by Władysław Szpilman, originally published in 1946. Golden foil details on spine and front.

→ Hormonal Theory, illustrations
Cover design by Bloomsbury

I made 20 chapter illustrations for the anthology Hormonal Theory, each chapter discussing a different hormone and its various effects on nature, society, and humans. 

“[...] Each glossary entry takes a particular hormonal compound as its starting point, yet works to elaborate and complicate understandings of hormones as distinct biological or chemical entities. The entries collectively show how hormones never operate in isolation from other hormones, nor bodies in isolation from other human and non-human bodies and their socio-ecological surroundings.“

→ Den vilda flykten, book cover


I made the inner cover of the book Den vilda flykten (The Vaster Wilds) by Lauren Groff. Original cover art on dust jacket by Joe McLaren and Henry Petrides. 

We wanted the hardcover book itself to feel old, even though it’s newly printed. This was achieved by a marbling cover and faux printed leather binding, as well as with a watermark on the front and end pages.
→ Låt hundra blommor blomma, ornaments
Photos by Kristin Lidell, Röhsska

In 2023 I worked as an assistant at Studio Parasto Backman. During that time I helped produce graphic materials for the exhibition Låt hundra blommor blomma (Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom) at Röhsska museum

My job was producing the flowers that serve as ornaments and icons throughout the design.

→ Du är min baby, jag är din hund, lino animation
Linoleum print on paper, 29x42 cm

You’re my baby, I’m your dog.

On the space between care and violence.

This piece was a part of Västerås Konsthall’s group exhibition Return as well as the group exhibition Insignias by Konstföreningen C, both in 2024.

→ Allt det här hände, text & illustration
Exhibition photos by Emil Widlund

For my bachelor’s graduation project I made a graphic novel called Allt det här hände (All of this happened). It’s an autobiographical story on grief, friendship, and love. 

In 2019, my best friend found out that she had a tumour. It turned out to be an aggressive sort of cancer, and she died three months later.  This project is dedicated to her.

Allt det här hände is available to the public at the libraries Tranströmerbiblioteket and Konstfack in Stockholm.

→ Scenkonstguiden, logotype
Logotype that I made for Scenkonstguiden, an online platform with reviews and reportages on perfomance art in Gothenburg. 

→ Lilly, Hanna och de sju badtanterna, text & illustration


Lilly, Hanna & the Seven Swimming Ladies.

My debut children’s book that was the winner of Castorpriset 2023. The jury’s motivation:

“Det är inte lätt att bli besviken, varken för stor eller liten. Men härligt när det vänder. Allt fint skildrat, med inkännande bilder, ur lilla Lillys perspektiv. Men även med stor igenkänning för oss  badtanter och -gubbar. Grattis till Elsa Paulson för hennes vinnarbidrag Lilly, Hanna och de sju badtanterna.”
      Lena Anderson, Dag Hernried, Mia Tumlin

→ Svensk Bokkonst, pattern

Photos by Lina Löfström Baker and Parasto Backman

I interned at Studio Parasto Backman with Sally Apelmo, and worked on creating Svensk Bokkonst’s catalogue for 2021. Svensk Bokkonst (Swedish Book Art Award) is an annual award that celebrates book art.

Sally and I worked with finding graphic elements in the selected books to translate into a pattern that would be used both inside and outside of the catalogue.

“The graphic design is a tribute to book art and to the ornament’s given place in a contemporary context. Based on specific historical books from The Royal Library’s archive, we have been inspired by how they back in the days used the front cut in a tactile and artistic way – focusing on ways to bring the craft into a present context.”
       Parasto Backman