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Graphic design
“[...] Each glossary entry takes a particular hormonal compound as its starting point, yet works to elaborate and complicate understandings of hormones as distinct biological or chemical entities. The entries collectively show how hormones never operate in isolation from other hormones, nor bodies in isolation from other human and non-human bodies and their socio-ecological surroundings.“
“Det är inte lätt att bli besviken, varken för stor eller liten. Men härligt när det vänder. Allt fint skildrat, med inkännande bilder, ur lilla Lillys perspektiv. Men även med stor igenkänning för oss badtanter och -gubbar. Grattis till Elsa Paulson för hennes vinnarbidrag Lilly, Hanna och de sju badtanterna.”
Lena Anderson, Dag Hernried, Mia Tumlin
“The graphic design is a tribute to book art and to the ornament’s given place in a contemporary context. Based on specific historical books from The Royal Library’s archive, we have been inspired by how they back in the days used the front cut in a tactile and artistic way – focusing on ways to bring the craft into a present context.”
Parasto Backman